BORA eTraining is the online learning platform for our distribution partners. In addition to our face-to-face training courses, we offer our retail partners the chance to learn all there is to know about BORA systems. Perfect for beginners or those who want to refresh their knowledge.
Decide for yourself when and where you wish to learn, the time and place being completely flexible.
Set your own learning pace and pass milestones according to your needs.
Choose an end device of your choice that you are used to, enabling you to work quickly and effectively.
Rise to the top of the leaderboard! Once a month, those who have earned the most points are rewarded with a surprise.
Our retail partners can access our online learning platform via the BORA PartnerNet or via our BORA eTraining platform.
If you are already registered on the BORA PartnerNet, you can conveniently access BORA eTraining in just two clicks. (Tab: Academy --> BORA eTraining). You will not need any other login details, just your usual BORA PartnerNet login details. Link to the BORA PartnerNet:
If you do not yet have access to the BORA ParnterNet, you can register directly on our BORA eTraining platform. Direct link to BORA eTraining:
You are welcome to contact us directly regarding registration or send us any queries at:
In addition to the learning platform on the BORA PartnerNet, there is also the ´BORA eTraining app´. This is available free of charge from the App Store or Google Play. A one-time login code will be requested when logging in for the first time. This code can be found on the BORA eTraining platform under 'My account/Mobile Learning'.