CEO Training

    This training is aimed at owners, managing directors and sales managers who are responsible for the business. The basis of the workshop is based on the philosophy of BORA founder and kitchen studio owner Willi Bruckbauer: “The success factors in retail – those who truly differentiate themselves have no competition.” You will learn how you can use the BORA brand for your own purposes and thus increase your sales success. We will also refresh your BORA knowledge.

    • Target group

      Managing directors / owners / sales managers / of BORA retail partners

    • 2 days

      Day 1: 3 p.m. - 10 p.m. (inc. BORA cooking evening)

      Day 2: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. (inc. evening event)

      Day 3: individual departure

    • BORA Academy

      Rosenheimer Str. 32

      83064 Raubling


    • Costs

      150,00 €/£ plus VAT (inc. hotel, catering, transfer)

      400,00 €/£ plus VAT (inc. hotel, catering, transfer and flight*)

      *Flight bookings will be taken over by BORA.

    • Training content
      • Success factors in retail – those who truly differentaite
        themselves has no competition
      • Brand as a success factor – utilising the tailwind
      • Visit to the Niederndorf site
      • Joint cookery evening
      • Presentation of all new products
      • Presentation of the BORA Academy – tools for personnel
      • In dialogue with the BORA sales team – where is the journey
        going and what does the trade need?

    Appointment booking

    Appointments for this training can be arranged directly with your area sales manager.

    I love the hospitality of the BORA Academy. Our training course was comprehensive, informative and extremely enjoyable. We would love to come again.

    Other training formats

    See our specific training formats for your sector. Through a balanced mix of theory and practice, you will gain exciting insights and a comprehensive understanding of the BORA brand.

    See all available dates