
Installation Training on Tour

We’re coming your way. Our installation experts also provide workshops for kitchen fitters near you. Click on the link below to find out where and when we and our Sprinter will be making a stop.
Our experienced trainers also convey the necessary basic knowledge for communicating with customers: from insights into how our company evolved to product basics and answers to the most frequently asked questions.
  • Target group

    Kitchen installers

  • Duration1 day

    8:30 – 16.00 o'clock

  • Location

    In your neighbourhood or directly at your location

  • Costs

    Free of charge

  • Content
    • Company BORA - Development of a brand
    • The role of the installer as the key to success
    • The installer as brand ambassador, service provider and salesperson
    • BORA product fundamentals as a secure basis
    • Communication with the end customer - answers to the most frequently asked questions
    • Product details live on the product - hands on!
    • Why BORA? - The 7 advantages

I love the hospitality of the BORA Academy. Our training course was comprehensive, informative and extremely enjoyable. We would love to come again.

Other training formats

See our specific training formats for your sector. Through a balanced mix of theory and practice, you will gain exciting insights and a comprehensive understanding of the BORA brand.

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